Terms of Service

Your proposal is subject to the usual scientific processing procedure. To enable Schloss Dagstuhl to evaluate your proposal and have it reviewed by experts, we ask you to consent to the following terms and conditions:

  • Schloss Dagstuhl stores and processes your proposal, including the use of automated systems. We evaluate the composition of the list of proposed invitees (especially with respect to gender, scientific seniority, and affiliation) for the purpose of assuring the scientific quality of the proposed event, for identifying communities that might have an overlap with other proposed or past Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, and for extracting statistical data to be published in Dagstuhl's reports available to the public and/or to Dagstuhl's funding agencies, boards, and supervisory bodies. Extracted statistical data concerning the proposal itself, such as the composition of the organizer team with respect to gender, scientific seniority, and affiliation, as well as the type, size, and duration of the proposed event, can also be included in these reports.

  • To evaluate and decide on your proposal, it is passed on to reviewers and to the members of Schloss Dagstuhl's Scientific Directorate. These consulted scientific experts might reside outside the European Union. In this case, any personal data included in your proposal might not be protected by privacy laws which fulfil the standards of the European Union. However, we require all recipients of the proposal to not share any of the contained personal data with third parties and to delete it after the review process, at the latest after one year.

  • Schloss Dagstuhl archives your proposal to document and maintain the scientific quality of the evaluation and decision processes.

  • Schloss Dagstuhl may publish the proposal's abstract as a short seminar description under a Creative Commons Attribution license if the proposal is accepted.

  • The Dagstuhl Online Seminar Application only stores and uses cookies which are strictly necessary for this website to function. It does not store any third-party cookies.